
Review of Between Wyomings:My God and an iPod

We all go through those moments when God draws us into a time of deepen our faith and our relationship with Him.

Between Wyomings: My God and an iPod by Ken Mansfield contains the personal story of the author as he travels across the country in his van in a search for that deeper, intimate faith. His book contains many flashbacks to his days in the record industry working with icons such as Dolly Patron and the Beatles. Mansfield spent his career as a famous music producer for some of the biggest names in the industry.

The title of this book caught my attention and I was excited to get reading it. Unfortunately I had a hard time getting into it. I found myself enjoying the recounting of his interactions with those in the music industry, but those moments were too spread out to hold my attention. I wasn’t really sure what to take out of the portions that seemed more of a soul searching private journal than a book to be read by others.

Overall, if you enjoy reading journals or personal memoirs this book may be just for you. Ken definitely had some memorable moments during his music career. If you are looking for a fast paced page turner then I would take a pass on this book.

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