

Tuesday July 17th

Hello, from down south!!  Way down South.  What a fantastic day!!  We started our day by walking to the church a few blocks away at 7:45 AM.  After breakfast, we loaded up in vans and trucks (with benches in the back of the cab and wind in our hair) and headed into Puerto Vallarta.  We went to a sister church and began cleaning up garbage, pulling out sharp weeds (first of all they don't use lawn mowers or weed wipers they use machetes, Ethan would love this) and cleaning bathrooms (Emily loved this) while some other team members built a stage platform for the worship service.  Mike was a huge help in this area and was told over and over how much this meant to the pastor of the church (way to GO Mike).  Next, some of us went to another location and prayed with people who were sick and in bed.  We walked around the area inviting everyone to join us in the afternoon for our awesome drama and children's program.  While some of us were out doing that, Lauren and Stephanie stayed behind to paint a mural of Joseph in his colorful coat.  Lauren drew it with pencil on the wall and then Lauren and Stephanie painted it.  It was really nice and again the church was blessed by our team (way to GO LAUREN and STEPHANIE).   We headed back to the church for lunch at 2:00 and a very short rest and then headed out again back to the neighborhood we visited in the morning.  We set up sound stuff and rounded up children.  We cranked on the music and  danced and sang with the children.  Our drama team performed their drama "The King of Hearts" (way to GO Emily, Lauren, Jonah, Brad, Maddie, Jordan, and Mike).   Brad gave his testimony (way to GO Brad). We then had a craft for the children.  After loosing half our body weight in sweat, we headed back to the church for a drink of COCA COLA Mexican style or SPARK  (thank you Jodi!!!!!!!!!! you're our life saver XOXO) and began setting up for evening service at the sister church (did I forget to mention Stephanie drove us around Puerto Vallarta and we all survived!!!  way to GO Stephanie).   We set up sound equipment  on our new stage and prepared for evening service, performed drama again, Emily told the story of Noah's Ark to the children (way to GO Emily ) and Jordan told the story of Joseph (way to GO Jordan) and crafts with the children (way to GO Vicky).  I was finally able to pass out some of my "iron together bead craft" that the Brown children and their Aunt Lori helped make.  The kids really liked them!!  (way to GO Brown children and Aunt Lori).  Lauren sang and played guitar during the evening service and Jordan played keyboard (way to Go Lauren and Jordan).  Dinner at 9:00 PM starving. Dan's neck is feeling slightly better so keep up the prayers and yes (way to GO Dan thanks for being a great team leader)  Today was a fantastic and eventful day!!  I enjoy getting to know everyone on our team, spending time with the interns, eating Mexican food, and loving people in Mexico for the Lord!!  By the way, their were some cute babies at the orphanage that could use a mommy and daddy!!  Just saying, think about it they will still be here.  Love this place, palm trees and mountains and big bugs and fruit everywhere!!

Love, Vicky

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Bring me a couple of those babies Vicky!! :) loved your post...you're such and encourager!! love you and can't wait til you're back to hear all about the trip! thanks for watching out for my guys!! :)