
The End...the Beginning

Well as most of you know...we made it home. Our Mexico adventure is now over, but hopefully all that God instilled in our lives while we were there will stay with us. We have fresh revelation of what God is doing in the world and hopefully this is the beginning of using that to make a difference here at home.

I have the privilege of going to Mexico each year and each year I learn something new. Each year I am challenged in a fresh way to use all that God has given me to bless others. Long ago there was an organization of women called the "Cent Society" They were women who gave their cents to missions so that they could send other women overseas to take the gospel to those in need. The goal of this organization was to take the gospel to the lands of heathen darkness and to teach their children what to do when you had more than enough. Unfortunately those groups no longer exist, but I am challenged by their goals. We do need to be taking the gospel to those who have yet to hear, but equally important is the goal to teach those of us in nations of affluence what we should be doing when we have more than enough...and let's face it...we all have more than enough.

Today starts the season of Lent...I am challenging myself to come up with a plan to use this time to take my "more than enough" and bless someone in need. I challenge you to the same thing!

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