

Wed. Feb. 29
Beautiful day in Bucerias
Sunshine 75 degrees

9am... We took the van to the orphanage.  We helped organize until the kids got out of school.  Then we played and took pictures with them in the playground!
When we got back, we walked and got smoothies.  I think Ann must have been bumped on her head, because she keeps paying for everything.  ;)
5:30pm... Back to church to set up for Spanish church service.
Walked to a restaurant for a wonderful Mexican meal.  After dinner we headed back home for our vespers service (group devotions).
It was nice to get a break from painting, moving things and the heavy work.  Our muscles are stiff and sore.  We have two more working days but God will give us energy so the team will do well.  It is a small part, but makes a difference. 
Matthew 25:21, "The Master answered, 'You did well.  You are a good and loyal servant.  Because you were loyal with small things I will let you care for much greater things.  Come and share my joy with me.'"
Thank you for all your support.  It makes a difference.

God be with you,
Gary and your Colonial Woods Mission Team

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