
Tuesday with Lionel

Hello from Mexico,

I slept very well last night after what I thought was a lot of work on Monday. I had no idea what work is until we walked into the school building for todays assignment. I will get to that in a minute. Susan and I made sandwiches at Pete and Celina's home. Pressure was on to keep up with the great sandwiches that Kristin and Ann made yesterday. At breakfast, Kristin tried kiwi, thumbs down on the kiwi. At least she tried them. Scott, as usual, got up early and walked the town. He found a new bakery shop and munched some pasteries before he met up with the team. At breakfast, the team told Kristin what we appreciate/like about her. Trust me, she wasn't thrown off the island.
So, this building was so dirty that there was no place to put our backpacks down, out of the crud. The building has been used as storage for the most part...rooms full of toilets, cribs, baby high chairs, oppossums, tarantulas and 4" spiders that could easily carry off a baby. After a lot of screaming and jumping around...mostly on my part, we got the oppossum out of the building. Scott wanted to take the tarantula, several geckos, and lizards home with him, but we talked him out of it. (you owe me, Celeste).
Keith and Kristin worked hard sorting out the baby high chairs, Scott and Ann power washed a couple of rooms and floors, Susan cleaned the only bathroom that "sort of worked". Kristin swepted floors and everyone help move nearly 8000 pounds (estimated weight) of baby cribs, so that a room could be cleaned.
We went back to the hotel. I showered and was so dirty that I soaped down 3 times before I felt clean. I have a new appreciation of what dirty and nasty really is. Kristin said she didn't have "tan lines" but plenty of "dirt lines".
We went back to the School of Champions where Ann taught a bible class on the subject of "fear", Keith and I played basketball with the children, Scott played in the nursery, Susan took pictures and played with the kids, and Kristin helped out with a 5/6 year old childrens class. Susan brought bright stick on stickers for the kids shirts and they had a big kick out of them.
We finished the day with Italian dinner and Kristin, head down on the table, sleeping. Speaking of sleeping, GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!


LLJ said...

Yikes! I imagine you all slept well last night. That was quite a story!
I hope today is great for all of you and that you are very blessed too.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like good sandwiches!!! Ask Ann to tell you about her experiences as a kid and the sandwiches her mother made her for lunch. Maybe you will understand the "not so much jam" idea. Sounds like you guys are working hard (way to go) God sees and knows each one of your hearts. Keep up the good work.

Tammy said...

Sounds like you cleaned so well that those animals/bugs won't have a place to live any more!! :) Thanks for all the hard work you are doing and serving Jesus with a smile. What a difference you are making in the lives of all those who are watching! You all are in my thoughts and prayers often each day. :)

Danielle said...

Ok, I got the chills just thinking about all the creepy crawlies you mentioned! Sounds like you are all doing some really wonderful things that will certainly be a blessing to the people there. Praying for you guys!