
Saturday in Puerto VAllarta

Greetings from a first time blogger (Susan). We began the day as tourist and ended the day ovewhelmed with emotion.

Scott, Kieth, Lionel and I started the day with an 7:00 am walk along the beach watching the city come to life.

After breakfast we took the bus up to the church and toured the School of Champions. The kids attend public school and then come to the School of Champions to learn trade skills. Electricity to keep the computers running is one of the current building challenges.

A van tour of the neighborhoods surrounding the dump and an drive through the dump itself was a very emotional experience. The small shacks made only from items found in the garbage were filled with children all eager to welcome us with amazing smiles and waving hands. Back home hearing about this communty making a living off the dump is very different than seeing the reality of those words. Individuals with a metal poker and a bag tied to their waist stand on a mountian of trash riping open garbage bags and carfully examing contents seeking items (metal, cardboard, plastic...) that will bring a few pesos. Items we would discarded without a thought are an only source of income for the families surounding the dump. Words to describe this are hard to find.

In the evening Kristin, Lionel and I went back to help the delivering food to 6 areas around and in the dump. At each stop, kids and parents gathered very appreciative to have the opportuntiy to have something that evening.

Please keep us in your prayers.
Dios le bendiga

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