The afternoon was free time. Leona spent part of the time in the prayer room meeting with people and praying with them. We had time to fit in a quick walk around the grounds and talk about the upcoming evening session.
The Saturday evening session was a time of music and reflections on life and God's faithfulness to us through the years. Leona shared some of her testimony and life's story with the ladies and we sang a few songs and led a time of worship. It was an emotional evening which led to a number of great conversations about how God can carry us through even the most difficult of life's circumstances. The evening ended with homemade pizza and conversation around the table.
Today the theme was Refections of Us with the emphasis on how God sees us and how he feels about us. So many women struggle with a low self esteem and need to be reminded of how precious they are to the Lord. Leona sang two songs that spoke to that theme and ministered to the ladies hearts through music.
After another good meal, we were on our way back to Drogheda to Denny and Linda's to catch up on our sleep. One thing we can say about the ladies in Ireland....they are great cooks and know how to treat a guest.
To me one of the highlights was talking with those I had met last year and hearing how they are doing. There were a number of great conversations about the Lord during our three days in An Tobar.
Tomorrow we are off to have a fun day of sight seeing in Dublin. Look out city we are on our way.
Sounds amazing! I hope you have a great time on the town tomorrow!
I am so glad the retreat went so well. A big SMILE and HUG for both or you! I hope you enjoy every second of the rest of your stay. Please tell Denny and Linda that we hope all the best for them as well!
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